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"The most important battleground in the fight to save our American republic is the public schools. How do we engage the public schools and actually win?

America's public schools have replaced color-blind education with race-based programming in the name of “equity.” They condition individuals to see only skin color, put everyone into a hierarchy of racial privilege, and pit racial groups against each other. Then they use the full power of government to investigate and silence criticism of this hateful ideology. This is totalitarian tyranny, not a democratic republic."

—Southeastern Legal Foundation

How to Recognize Marxism in College Reading Assignments


A student at MSU recently reported to us that about 70 percent of her assigned reading in English class is based in Marxist theory. She noticed that the authors (of journal articles or chapters in textbooks) usually do not announce that they are Marxists. Instead, they use Marxist language and cite Marxist intellectuals. When you send your kids to college, make sure they know what Marxism is and how to recognize it. 


Common Marxist words and themes found in Marxist writing:

  • transformation/transformative

  • struggle

  • privilege

  • power

  • oppression

  • emancipation

  • social justice

  • socially just framework

  • decolonization

  • critical theory

  • liberation

  • antiracist

  • critical consciousness

  • destruction of the male/female binary

  • abolition of the nuclear family


    Remember, Marxists do not assign the same meanings to words that average people do. For example, “liberation” does not mean “freedom.” It means “freedom from capitalism.” Or “antiracism” does not mean “being against racism.” It means “always looking for racism.”


    If you are reading an article that cites these people, you are probably reading Marxist theory:

  • Paulo Freire               

  • Michel Foucault

  • Richard Delgado

  • Kimberle Crenshaw

  • Antonio Gramsci

  • Judith Butler

  • Marcus Garvey

  • W.E.B. Dubois

  • Gloria Ladsen Billings

  • Henry Giroux


    There are many others and most are not well known. When in doubt, look up the name or use other clues in the text to decipher the themes. 

    Marxist literature is usually very dense, repetitive and lacking in clear definitions. Scholarly writing in general can be difficult to understand, but Marxist writing is purposefully wordy and confusing. 

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