Get Involved
Thank you for your interest in Back on Track America PAC. We'd be happy to add you to our email list. We have multiple volunteer opportunities. Please let us know your areas of interest.
1. Speaking Opportunities
At SPS School Board meetings speaking in support of conservative-minded board members and parents
At City Council meetings speaking in support of conservative-minded council members and constituents
Speaking before state legislative committees
Speaking to organizations and friends about Back on Track America PAC
2. Campaign Support
Door knocking—Face-to-face conversations
Electioneering—Greeting voters at the polls (impactful for undecided voters)
School Car Lines—Handing out voter guides and candidate flyers to parents
Display candidate and issue/ proposition yard signs to vocalize your support
3. Research
Helping to review and recommend school curriculum
Tracking with national and state legislators and bills, helping to get them passed or defeated
4. Networking
Finding new people who want to help
Let us know if you have connections to other organizations—we partner with other like-minded groups
Engaging pastors, lay leaders and the church so they are aware of what is happening in the community
Posting information on your social media accounts
5. Fund Raising
Be aware of those in your sphere who are like-minded and willing to support the PAC
Contacting those who might be willing to donate and send them our way
Let us know any fundraising ideas you may have
If you are able to donate any amount, thank you!
6. Other Ways You May Want to Serve
On the Prayer Team
On the Library Team
Running for School Board or City Council
Applying to serve on local boards in your area
Assist in the planning and promoting of events to educate our community, i.e., host a pastors conference, facilitate presentations on critical race theory, sponsor a Victims of Communism workshop
7. Non-affiliate Partner Groups
We the People of Greene County (WTP)
Christians Uniting for Political Action (CUPA)
Kendall Qualls’, TakeChargeMN—group to help restore families and two parent homes
Connect with us:
Let's Make A Change
Here are some ways you can support us:
Donate In Person
You can make donations in cash or by check at any of our events or mail checks to:
Back on Track America PAC
PO Box 14132
Springfield, MO 65814
Donate Online
Scan this QR code to make a donation safely and securely through PayPal.